دليل أونلاين مصر

من الدي يهاجم سوريا

0 معجب 0 شخص غير معجب
35 مشاهدات
سُئل يوليو 23، 2018 بواسطة abdullah (9,535,890 نقاط)
من الدي يهاجم سوريا

إجابة واحدة

0 معجب 0 شخص غير معجب
تم الرد عليه يوليو 23، 2018 بواسطة Omnia Mohammed (9,543,170 نقاط)
Better to ask whois still not attaking Syria and Irak?
2 Russia
3 Europe Germany France .....ETC
4 Australia
And there is also The none Muslim Countries Like
Saudi Arabia
all of them are attacking the Muslims In Syria and Irak and killing the women and children under the title fighting the Terrorists!!!
But they don't know that at the End ISLAM will WIN the last War against Kuffar this is the Promise of our Prophet MOHAMMAD For us But most of the people dont know and don't think,The Muslims Kings And Presidents Which the Kuffar was choosing them to Lead this Nation and trying to Delete the Real Islam what Prophet Mohammad Brought and working Desperately to spread the Fake Islam (Islam Wasaty) through their Media TV Radio Internet,,,,, Islam without Jihad i say for them all You Are ALL Poor and Silly if you think that Allah will let u to change The Islam And Allah Sent You Already His own Solders who will fight the Tawagheet till the last Mujahid ,Wallah these Muwahidin they Love to Die like your Love to live the life they sold what they had and bought what Allah promised them.
KHILAFAH is coming.......

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دليل أونلاين مصر

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